Friday, December 21, 2007

FRIDAY-21ST DECEMBER 2007-Mayor to launch karaoke Version of Peter’s album

Mayor to launch karaoke Version of Peter’s album

Six months after the successful release of Peter Dicky Lee’s ‘I’M BACK’ album, the MTV Karaoke version will be launched by Mayor Datuk Iliyas Ibrahim tomorrow, Saturday, at Damai Club in Jalan Bundusan. The much-awaited MTV features, for the first time in Malaysian entertainment industry and Sabah in particular, three state ministers, one assistant minister and the Mayor making guest appearances in the hit song ‘IZIAU, IZIAU, IZIAU’ and the Bahasa Malaysia version “KAU, KAU, KAU”. “These sporting YBs plus several close friends of mine who have made guest appearances here and in some of my songs have made this VCD so much fun and such a delight to behold,I said Peter. “The six months spent in the making and filming has not been in vain,” he said in a press statement yesterday. ‘Datuk Masidi, Datuk Hajiji, Datuk Yee Moh Chai, Datuk Iliyas and YB Jahid
had a great time during the making of IZIAU 3 and KAU 3. I must say they are really quite natural in front of the camera and they would give our Malaysian actors a run for their money,” Peter said in zest. As part of his gesture to help the needy, Peter will donate half of the proceeds collected to charity in conjunction with his MTV launch. Tonight, Peter will also appear as a special guest artiste at 9pm at the annual Gaya Christmas Celebration 2007 organized by the Sabah Council of Churches and DBKK. “Being a Christian I am so excited to be able to contribute my services for a worthy cause and for such a special occasion,” said Peter. Come December 31, Peter has also been invited to make a special guest appearance at the KSS (Kadazan Society Sabah) New Year’s Eve 2007 dinner party at Putera Ballroom, Bukit Padang where he will give a one-hour show.