Bridge project to, benefit three villages
The residents of three villages here will benefit from a bridge project which is expected to be completed in four months. The bridge, to be built by contractor Haji Abdul Hajan Gurimbang, will span the Apas river and make it easier for farmers and fishermen from Kg Sungai Apas, Kg Apas Parit and Kg Kuala Apas to transport their products to the market. Apas Village Security and Developing Committee (JKKK) Naim Ahmad, who represented Assistant Minister of Rural Development, Datuk Tawfiq Abu Bakar Titingan, conducted the ground-breaking ceremony of the project at Sungai Kuala Apas. During the ceremony, Abdul Hajan donated four cows to the residents in the conjunction with Hari Raya Aidiladha celebration.