Wednesday, November 28, 2007


171 motorists summonsed in two operations
A total 171 summonses were issued by the traffic police during Ops Mabuk and Ops Cermin Gelap during the weekend.City Traffic and Public Order chief DSP M. Chandra yesterday said four people were caught drunk driving at Jalan Lintas and .Jalan Kolam “It is an offence to drive under the influence of alcohol as it is one of the causes of road accidents in the City,” he told reporters yesterday. Those caught drunk driving can be charged under Section 45 (A) (1) of the Road Transport Act, 1989, which carries a fine of between RM1,000 and RM6,000, or 12 months’ imprisonment. Repeat offenders face a fine of between RM2,000 and RM1O,000, or a year’s jail upon conviction. Touching on Ops Cermin Gelap, Chandra said 34 summonses were issued for tinted glass offence. Those found committing the offence for the first time are liable to be fined not exceeding RM500 or jailed for two weeks. Subsequent offenders will be fined not more than RM1,000 or jailed for a maximum of one month, or both. Chandra urged car owers who are not sure of the amount of tinted glass allowed by law, to go to the nearest traffic police office, Road Transport Department or PUSPAKOM for verification. He also disclosed that most of the summonses were issued to motorists for beating the red light.